Venus Tiffin Copy Review

Colour : Here, in the copy, we can see that, Brown colour has been extensively employed in the texts, image and background as well. However, since Venus is a vegetarian restaurant chain, it would be more prudent on part of Venus to change it to a leafy Green colour. The colour Green has been deeply embedded in the human psyche the the colour of health as it's the colour through which nature esp. the plant life expresses it's abundance.

Telephone No. : The first piece of information included in the said copy is probably a landline number. In the present day, where everyone owns a mobile phone, a 10-digit contact number would make a difference in connecting the consumers to the brand.

Dropping the 'Hotel' Adjective : Its pretty self-evident the front cover of a tiiffin packet that the snacks present are not homemade but have rather been prepared from a commercial hotel. Hence, only the name "Venus" would suffice.

Dropping the 'Veg Restaurant' Announcement Label : Though, the label is not misleading, but cover copy would appear more sleek if a green dot [.] could be planted in the front cover of the tiffin packet. That symbolically would imply that the food product has been manufactured from a vegetarian restaurant.

Irrelevant Copy Image : In the copy, there's this image of a waiter standing with the food plate balanced on his right hand with the waiter's cloth hanging from his left forearm hinged firmly on the waist. This image has probably been applied from a dine-in restaurant menu without much thought. It does not make any sense to empanel this image on the front cover of a snacks tiffin packet which usually gets hand-distributed.

Body Copy : When we glance upon the word "House", a certain imagery gets created in our head which doesn't exactly represent a restaurant/hotel. Also, the word "House" has the connotation of a physical entity, compared to "Home" which evokes a more warm snuggly feeling if that was the original intention..